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Assessor, Team Task Force for Study Programs and Faculties The accreditation of a study program is wrong one benchmark for external parties to see the quality of the study program. Accreditation of a study program affects the interest rate of pros

Mathematical Modeling Competition (MMC) 2022 is a biennial event organized by the mathematics department of ITB for the student level. This contest is the first mathematical modeling contest in Indonesia where students show their skills in making a m

Pi Day is the day of the annual celebration of the constant which is held on the 14th of March. This is because that date represents three significant figures in the constant Pi, which is 3.14. This celebration was first held in Larry Shaw in 1988 at

The DID team from the mathematics education study program, namely Chusnul Fadilah, Dika Dwi Meilina, and Ika Nur Hasanah won 1st place at the LKTIN CONE 2021 event. This event was held by the Department of Student Association (HMJ (Tadris Mathematics

Friday, October 1, 2021, to be exact at 08.00-09.30, the Mathematics Department of Unesa held its 3rd public lecture entitled "Linear Algebra: Theory and Applications". This public lecture is part of a series of public lectures held by the Unesa Math