The undergraduate program in mathematics in FMNS Universitas Negeri Surabaya has a degree of Bachelor of Science (Sarjana Sains or S.Si), in which students can explore some specific areas or fields in mathematics. These fields cover mathematical analysis, algebra, applied mathematics, computational mathematics, combinatorics, as well as geometry and topology. The curriculum is developed to achieve the vision, carry out the mission, and achieve the goals set, and must accommodate the whole educational objectives by taking into account the characteristics of Unesa as a local learning setting that is realized in the learning outcomes of study programs. In addition, the curriculum of Mathematics Study Program must be able to provide a learning experience for students to achieve the expected competencies and self-development, both now and in the future. Therefore, the curriculum of the Mathematics Study Program is expected to be able to answer the demands of the needs in the field. Some of the issues considered in the preparation and development of this curriculum are as follows.

        1.      Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI: Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia) and National Standards for Higher Education.

        2.      21st century skills needed, namely critical thinking and problem solving, creative and innovative, communication, and collaboration.

        3.      The ASEAN Economic Community since 2015

        4.      The importance of literacy, according to Law of Ministry of Education (Permendikbud No. 23 of 2015) concerning the improvements of                   manners

        5.      The development of global community dynamics that need to be anticipated for its development to prepare reliable Indonesian human                 resources, such as the challenges of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), the Word Trade Organization (WTO), and the Asia Pacific                 Economic Cooperation (APEC).

    Furthermore, the current curriculum adopts new paradigm of education, which are out-comes based education, learner-centered learning, continuous improvement, and international benchmarking and accreditation. The curriculum is periodically updated every five years by following the development processes of the curriculum considering some principles of the curriculum development. This is shown in the following chart.

To complete the learning program, students should take 144 credit units (CU) comprising 123 CU compulsory courses and 21 CU elective course.


Table 3. Compulsary and elective courses in Mathematics of FMNS, Unesa

CU compulsary courses



CU of compulsary courses



The CU courses are distributed into 123 course units distributed into 43 compulsary courses.

CU of elective courses


Available elective courses are 86 course units distributed into 31 elective courses and students should take at least 21 course unit.




The detailed curriculum structure of the undergraduate program in Mathematics: