Road Map of Algebra Mathematics Research




The Results of Algebra Mathematics Research:

An Application of Weighted Similarity on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Matrices in Medical DiagnosticsAn Application of Weighted Similarity on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Matrices in Medical Diagnostics

International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 17(2022), no. 3, 1277–1286

Raden Sulaiman, Abdul Ghafur Ahmad, A’yunin Sofro, Dwi Nur Yunianti, Rudianto Artiono 

Application of the Intuitionistic Fuzzy Topsis in Determining Online Learning Platforms During the Covid-19 Pandemic

YP Astuti, R Sulaiman, B Rahadjeng, DN Yunianti

International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Social Science …, 2021

Separability of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Relations

R Sulaiman

Computer Science 16 (4), 1203-1215, 2021

The Symmetry Property for the Number of Fuzzy Subgroups of Rectangle Groups

R Sulaiman

International Mathematical Forum 11 (2), 55-60, 2016

The Number of Fuzzy Subgroups of Cuboid Group

R Sulaiman

International Journal of Algebra 9 (12), 521-526, 2015

Computing the number of fuzzy subgroups by expansion method

R Sulaiman, BP Prawoto

International Electronic Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 8 (4), 2014

The number of fuzzy subgroups of rectangle groups

R Sulaiman, BP Prawoto

International Journal of Algebra 8 (1), 17-23, 2014

Subgroups lattice of symmetric group s4

R Sulaiman

International Journal of Algebra 6 (1), 29-35, 2012

Constructing fuzzy subgroups of symmetric group S4

R Sulaiman

International Journal of Algebra 6 (1), 23-28, 2012

Fuzzy Subgroups Computation of Finite Group by using their Lattices

R Sulaiman

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 78 (4), 479-489, 2012

The number of fuzzy subgroups of finite cyclic groups

R Sulaiman, AG Ahmad

International Mathematical Forum 6 (20), 987-994, 2011

The number of fuzzy subgroups of group defined by a presentation

R Sulaiman, AG Ahmad

International Journal of Algebra 5 (8), 375-382 ,2011

Counting Fuzzy Subgroups of Symmetric Groups, and Alternating Group

R Sulaiman, A Abd Ghafur

Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis JQMA 6 (1), 57-63, 2010