Road Map of Algebra Mathematics Research
The Results of Algebra Mathematics Research:
International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 17(2022), no. 3, 1277–1286
Raden Sulaiman, Abdul Ghafur Ahmad,
A’yunin Sofro, Dwi Nur Yunianti, Rudianto Artiono
YP Astuti, R Sulaiman, B Rahadjeng, DN Yunianti
International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Social Science …, 2021
Separability of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Relations
R Sulaiman
Computer Science 16 (4), 1203-1215, 2021
The Symmetry Property for the Number of Fuzzy Subgroups of Rectangle Groups
R Sulaiman
International Mathematical Forum 11 (2), 55-60, 2016
The Number of Fuzzy Subgroups of Cuboid Group
R Sulaiman
International Journal of Algebra 9 (12), 521-526, 2015
Computing the number of fuzzy subgroups by expansion method
R Sulaiman, BP Prawoto
International Electronic Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 8 (4), 2014
The number of fuzzy subgroups of rectangle groups
R Sulaiman, BP Prawoto
International Journal of Algebra 8 (1), 17-23, 2014
Subgroups lattice of symmetric group s4
R Sulaiman
International Journal of Algebra 6 (1), 29-35, 2012
Constructing fuzzy subgroups of symmetric group S4
R Sulaiman
International Journal of Algebra 6 (1), 23-28, 2012
Fuzzy Subgroups Computation of Finite Group by using their Lattices
R Sulaiman
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 78 (4), 479-489, 2012
The number of fuzzy subgroups of finite cyclic groups
R Sulaiman, AG Ahmad
International Mathematical Forum 6 (20), 987-994, 2011
The number of fuzzy subgroups of group defined by a presentation
R Sulaiman, AG Ahmad
International Journal of Algebra 5 (8), 375-382 ,2011
Counting Fuzzy Subgroups of Symmetric Groups, and Alternating Group
R Sulaiman, A Abd Ghafur
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis JQMA 6 (1), 57-63, 2010