In     2021, the results of tracer study recapitulation for UPM are summarized in the following tables and diagrams. 


Tabel  1. Tracer  Study Status of  UPME Alumni

Study Program

Already filling out the form

On Going

Not yet filling out the form

Number of Alumni

Bachelor of Mathematics








The number of respondents from the mathematics study program (UPM) amounted to 7 who achieved a percentage of 22.58% as a shortage of respondents when compared to the total number of alumni of the mathematics education study program  which is 31 in2021.

Table 2. Time when alumni are looking for work

Before Graduation

After Graduation

Not searching

The time when alumni started looking for work?








Based on table 2 above, the time when alumni start looking for the most jobs done after graduation, which is  57.14%(4). For the time of alumni looking for a job before graduating by 28.57%(2), while alumni who do not look for work by  14.29% (1).



Figure 1. Alumni when they get their first job

Figure 1 above shows the percentage of alumni of FMNS mathematics study program who got their first job before graduation and after graduation. When compared to the number of   alumni respondents who have worked, the percentage of  alumni who got a job before graduation  of 100.0%  (6) and  alumni who got the first job after graduation of 0.00%  (0). From the data shows that the majority of alumni of Mathematics Unesa (UPM) began work while after graduating from college.

Table 3. Details of the month when alumni get their first job

Getting a Job

Before Graduation

After Graduation

1 Month



2 Months



3 Months



More than  3  months






Table 3 shows the number of alumni who get a job before graduation and the time to get it. No alumni got a job before graduation. The total number of alumni who get a job after graduation is 6 alumni, and The number of alumni who got their first job less than 3 months after graduating was the same as those who were more than 3 months old, namely 50%-50% (3-3).



Figure 2. The closeness of the field  of study  with the current  alumni  work

Based on figure 2, all UPM Unesa alumni who have obtained a job (6 people) have a level of density that varies between the field of study that has been taken in the lecture and the work undertaken today. As many as 50.00% (3) respondents assessed between the field of study that has been taken in the lecture and the work carried out today is Less closely. Meanwhile, 1 respondents (16.67%) felt the difficulty between the field of study that has been taken in the lecture and the work carried out today is closely, while as   many as 33.33% assessed closely enough between the field of study that has been taken in the lecture and the work carried out today. None of the respondents considered there was any hardness at all between their work and the field of study they studied in college. This indicates that the majority rate very closely between the field of study and the field of work that alumni currently work in.

Figure 3. Alumni’s Situation during survey  

Figure 3 shows the distribution of alumni circumstances related to work status, marriage, and further study. It appears that of the 7 alumni surveyed, there were 6 (85.71%) people who are already working, while the rest have not worked.  Meanwhile, the direct   study to the master's degree there are 0 people. And there are 2 who are married.

From the picture above, there are 2 alumni who work at BUMN, 4 alumni work in private companies, and 1 alumni as entrepreneurs.